
立博客户端app下载 is a website and membership software company with a vision to empower membership-based organizations to realize their goals and aspirations. Our mission is to assist non-profits in accomplishing their visions by empowering them to better engage their members through a robust website/mobile app experience, to unite their staff by getting them all working harmoniously together from one unified software platform, 让他们走在科技的前沿.

立博客户端app下载’s mission is born out of the passions and vision of founders Jeff Kline (CEO) and Mark Zeitler (CTO) and is the culmination of their leadership and experiences in business, 技术, 社区参与.

卖掉之前的公司之后, Jeff strove to create a new 技术 company and to give back to his community. 他成功地完成了这两件事, founding 立博客户端app下载 in 1998 while working with non-profit organizations within his community. 在公司成立之初, 杰夫遇见了马克, a deeply experienced software developer and chief architect of three successful software programs who was returning from a stint in Silicon Valley. Mark knew that he could apply all his prior software experience toward developing 立博客户端app下载 into a game-changing product. 在一起, they envisioned 立博客户端app下载 Freedom™ as a website/content management software program and spent the first eight years creating the product.  


经过开发和成熟的网站应用程序, 然后他们将注意力转移到创建营销应用程序上. 在市场营销应用中, 立博客户端app下载整合了电子邮件营销, 写博客, 社交媒体整合, 还有一个营销分析仪表板.

在此期间, 杰夫继续为非营利组织工作, serving on several boards and donating websites to assist with their respective causes. 通过这些经历, he realized that these organizations were extremely underserved from a software and 技术 standpoint. He recognized that their software and 技术 requirements were the same as for-profit businesses, yet they had neither the budgets nor the in-house expertise to implement this much-needed 技术. 这一认识深刻地影响了立博客户端app下载的方法, and the company refocused its development efforts to provide non-profits with software that would be developed completely for their requirements at a price that they could afford.  

随着客户群的增长,其他需求也出现了. Customers consistently expressed their frustration with their membership management software. 事实上, they found that over 82% of the nonprofits they interviewed were deeply dissatisfied with their database/membership management software. These organizations encouraged 立博客户端app下载 to enhance their Freedom™ software to meet their membership-management needs. 立博客户端app下载犹豫是否要转向这个方向, knowing the high levels of customer dissatisfaction with previous software applications and the company’s desire to deliver a quality product and a great user experience. 公司听了, 然而, 通过对许多客户的采访, 对客户的会员/活动管理有深入的了解, 计费, 以及销售需求. 通过这个过程, 立博客户端app下载 became increasingly confident in its ability to develop a truly innovative  total software solution to meet these needs. 公司随后创建了运营部门, 金融, 和销售应用程序,并增加了一个强大的移动应用程序组件. Freedom™现在由五个应用程序组成,其中包括操作, 金融, 网站, 市场营销, 和销售. 这些软件程序可以单独使用,也可以一起使用. 


Freedom™是为您的非营利组织构建的完整软件解决方案. 与操作, 金融, 网站, 市场营销, 及销售应用, Freedom™ enables your organization to more effectively manage membership data, 跟踪会员账户和付款, 运行详细报告, 推广新会员, 管理客户互动, 还有更多.

通过提供统一的软件解决方案, Freedom™ liberates your organization from having to use multiple software programs, 从跨许多不同应用程序的重要数据碎片, 从管理多个登录, 同时消除了部门之间的沟通障碍. Freedom™ will keep your organization on the forefront of 技术 with its cloud-based solution and monthly software updates.

Freedom™ also engages young professionals and future leaders by providing them with access from any device, 从任何地方,任何地方.

简而言之, Freedom™ is a total software solution designed to meet the needs of each department within your nonprofit. 这一整体且易于使用的软件解决方案统一了您的组织, 授权你的团队管理所有的日常工作, 丰富会员的在线体验.



我们所处的行业是人类有史以来发展最快的行业. The only way to stay at the forefront of the web is to evolve our business continually. 这种演变意味着拥抱新技术, 发展新技能, 创新现有产品, 并创造新的. While we work in this rapid state of change, our values—who we are—are not subject to change.

我们将永远致力于雅高的“4c”,这是对卓越的承诺, 对个人的考虑, 顾客是皇室成员, 共同伦理.




仆人心态根植于这家公司的DNA中. 这就是为什么我们把客户放在首位. 我们明白,如果没有我们的客户,我们就不会存在, 满足他们需求的愿望推动着我们前进. 我们把他们放在组织结构图的顶端, 知道如果我们能满足他们的需求, 他们的组织和社区将因此变得更好. 

Continuously striving to achieve and maintain the highest standards of performance.

这是关于追求完美. 虽然我们知道前进的道路上总是有复杂和颠簸, we work towards perfecting our products and services to serve our customers better. 这个承诺意味着我们每天都在追求这个目标, 我们知道明天我们会重新振作,继续我们的追求. 虽然完美是不可能的, striving for anything less is a compromise to who we are and what we represent. 


我们重视并尊重立博客户端app下载团队的每一位成员, 我们对每个人都给予最大的尊重和考虑. 我们鼓励合作和协作的精神, knowing that we are better when we work as one and that our people and their ideas are the lifeblood of our success. 这种心态超越了我们的国界, 此外, and we treat not only our customers but also our business partners and competitors with this same respect and consideration.


诚实和正直对我们是谁以及我们的立场至关重要. 在我们办公室的所有互动中, 我们的客户和竞争对手, 我们以最大的诚信来经营我们自己和我们的业务, 诚实, 和尊重. This means that if we say it, we mean it and if we promise it, we will deliver it. If we cannot conduct our business with the highest level of 诚实 and integrity, 我们就不做生意了. 



这些价值观构成了我们公司的核心. It is our passion for these values and our love for the work that create our unique company culture. Our commitment to excellence in this high-tech environment necessitates that we work at a rapid pace, 不断地创新, 保持目标导向, 并继续增长. The importance we place on valuing and considering every individual encourages us to foster an enthusiastic, 精力充沛的, 和有趣的环境,所有的员工可以探索的想法, 成功, 并在他们的成就中成长. 我们坚信客户是王权,因此我们以客户为中心, 销售和服务驱动的实践和环境. Our common ethics mean that we operate professionally and with 诚实 and integrity in all encounters and that we foster positivity in all professional relationships.

We strive to work with people and organizations that share our values and want to contribute to our positive company culture.

